Hello friends and with a bit of delay, Happy New Year to each and everyone of you! Back in December I wrote a post letting you know that the activity on Blogsessive will be slow in this period and it has.

I cannot tell you how hard it has been to stay away from blogging, especially when so many interesting things have happened in the past one, one and a half month, but it was a really necessary time-out for me. I needed to focus my maximum attention on my recently started design studio and also to spend some quality time with my family (something I’ve failed to do in the past months).

Today, a post published back on January 10th on MastersOfSEO.com caught my attention and even if I planned my comeback for the following Monday, I really felt the need to write this post earlier.

As I said before, the time out was required in order to give my 100% to some other things that needed to be sorted out in my life, but that’s only half of the real reason. The other half of the truth is that, as many of you already know from your own experience, blogging and constantly delivering good quality resources can be a very exhausting task. Such a task proved to be fatal for some fellow bloggers, despite their enormous followship and appreciation.

Blogsessive is my soul project, the one I’ve put all my experience and love in and I’m not ready to let it go. I never was, but in order to keep up the level of quality, a break was required. Otherwise, the risk was to deliver cheap, short news-like posts a few times a week and that’s just NOT ME. It’s not what I believed in when I launched this blog and I’d rather sink the blog that let it stray from its original path.

I’m amazed that while this blog was on a break, it managed to gather so many new readers and for that I’m thankful to all those who continuously helped by promoting it through their social media accounts out of their own belief and to those who recommended the Simple Balance theme to their readers and friends! Thank you!

Now it’s time to get back to work. It’s time to pick things up and continue putting out content for the community. 2009 will be a very special year for many reasons (maybe the year when the economical crisis will reach its peak in my country, the first full year of my design studio and the year when my band is supposed to launch its debut album – and a couple of other important things that I’ll let you know when the time is right).

Among these plans, Blogsessive is one of my top priorities. I will not promise 2 or 4 or 6 posts a week. What I can promise you is that Blogsessive will not die and I will continue to keep up the posting quality and deliver more quality resources such as Simple Balance (actually there’s one new free theme in the works already).

This is it friends! Catch you back on Monday with a new post and don’t forget: You Rock!

Until then, you can read a fairly recent interview with me that Stefan Vervoort of Divito Design posted about a week ago.